PROJECT 1- MEMORIAL ‘Journey of the 5 senses’
This assignment allows students to :
- Identify and explain different spatial types in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience.
- Create tectonic expressions of different spatial typologies which impact on the uses and experiential conditions of space.
- Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures.
In groups of 4-5 students, we need to select 2 precedents for analysis. They can be local, national and/or international examples. One precedent must be PRE-MODERN MOVEMENT, and one precedent must be CONTEMPORARY. Also, one precedent must be LINEAR, and the other CONCENTRIC.
In this project, I am grouped with Jet, Koid, Marvin, Rosella and Shivon. And this is our precedent studies building.
This is our final linear and concentric building
PROJECT 2- GENIUS LOCI: Site Analysis & Concept Development
In this project , it divided into group work and individual work.
For the group work, it remain the same group in Project 1. This group project conduct site analysis of the physical context within the identified macro site, which is located in Sungai Buloh. And final we need to produce a digital presentation.
For the individual work, with the understanding of macro site in the group project we need to produce a personal interpretation of the macro site in the form of sketches. The personal interpretations of the overall character of the site will inform subsequent design decisions, and it is important to record these honestly and immediately. And in final we also need to submit sketches, presentation panels and conceptual model of VIC.
Above is the digital presentation board about macro site in sungai buloh with my group. And the left one is my individual work, 4 A3 panel and 4 A4 sketches.
By continuing project 2 individual work, we need to finalize our VIC into a building with 450sqm maximum area which consist of 10 spaces. With the suggestion of my tutor and some modification of the model, I had came out a finalized.