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Building Materials

PROJECT 1 : The Architect's Building

This project is designed as an introduction to building materials that are universally used in the construction industry. Hence, we are required to choose any favourite architect together with the architect’s building as a case study. This exercise aims in helping the us to explore and understand the building materials in terms of its characters, properties and its impact to the building design in general.


The architect that my group and I had chosen is The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain, this architect was a contemporary art designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry. In this project we have to identify the types of materials used in the building design and expression of materials towards the building design in 2 A2 presentation board

The Presentation Board

PROJECT 2 : “Building Materials: An Experiential                                            Exploration”

This assignment is designed to introduce building materials that are commonly used in the construction industry. The spaces or building selected to study will allow one to understand the reasoning behind choices made by architects or designers in terms of concepts, functions, environmental response, structural requirement, availability of resources and etc. when selecting or proposing building materials for the building design.


In a group of 7,  we have to select an exciting architect that can give us experience in exploring most of the building materials covered in the module. With my group mates, we had chosen Pam Centre in Bangsar as our site. In this assignment, we have to create a mood board, an intro to the site and 15 materials on site. And also each of the member to choose a space in the building to study and analysis the experience within that space. The space that I have chosen in Pam Centre is the exhibition hall

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